How to save on your electricity bill during the winter?
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In winter, we like to have a comfortable and warm home, but we don't want to waste energy either; For this reason, it is important to know some tricks to save without sacrificing well-being.
At some times of the year, we spend more time at home. This supposes a greater cost of energy; Therefore, it is important to know c ow to save on electricity bills during the winter and what steps can we take to continue to enjoy the house without wasting money.
There is nothing worse than having to pay for something that could have been prevented.This happens due to not being aware of the different causes that generate excessive consumption. In fact, it happens without realizing it at all.
Today we have devices running continuously.Technology is becoming an appendix of our lives, without it we cannot perform certain tasks that, in one way or another, become essential for work or well-being.
If we carefully study the way we use electrical energy, we would realize that we need it constantly. For example, the refrigerator is in operation 24 hours, the Wi-Fi router the same, while other appliances are in constant use for hours.
The fact of spending more time at home during the winter is due to several factors: there are fewer hours of light, the weather does not invite us to go out, the cold dampens our enthusiasm, etc. This supposes that we prefer do indoor activities.
In this way, greater use will be made of mobile phones, tablets, computer, television, etc. At the same time, we have the lights on for longer , we want to try making recipes in the oven, we get more dirty and turn the dishwasher more times, etc.
The high energy consumption means a considerable increase in the electricity bill.
There are various formulas to avoid spending so much electricity and that the bill is not so large. The first of all is to be aware of the situation, make a prior assessment and awaken ecological awareness .
It is important to do a personal examination and recognize if we are making excessive use of electronic devices . If so, you have to try to fix the situation and begin to be more responsible.
When we are not in a room, we must turn off the light.Sometimes, we leave lamps and lamps on despite not being present in the place. This is something that can be avoided.
If for work reasons we must use the computer, then we should not feel guilty; However, we tend to waste a lot of time in secondary leisure when, in fact, we could take advantage of it to go out and do other activities.
Household appliances are also very expensive. Instead of using the oven, the washing machine, the dryer, etc., every day, why not try to last longer in use? In the long term, we will see a substantial improvement.
The placement of led bulbs can help us reduce consumption. It is proven that, after a year, you pay less if you have this type of light bulbs.
One of the biggest problems we face in winter is the cold. What happens if we don't have central heating? In that case, we would have to make use of radiators or electric stoves. The mere act of turning them on daily can create a crazy waste of energy .
This is a serious problem, especially if we have no other source of heat on hand. In the event that we have a fireplace, it is a good solution , but it is also important to take advantage of the hours of sunshine by opening all the blinds.
Decoration can also help. If we have winter pile rugs, wool blankets, a parquet floor and linen sofas, we can save the situation and reduce the feeling of cold.
Believe it or not, spaces are cooled primarily by the circulation of cold air. The openings between the doors should be closed with insulating tape or foam rubber; however, good wall insulation is essential.
However, if you have no choice but to turn on the electric radiators and use the light in the rooms, you should be reasonable and not waste. If we can turn off the appliances more often , we will undoubtedly save on the bill.
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